To bring 2018 to a close and to celebrate the beginning of a new year, we wanted to share some highlights and milestones with you in our first annual Mass General Research Wrapped.
A Vast Research Community

Massachusetts General Hospital is home to the largest hospital-based research program in the United States.
Our research enterprise is powered by a community of 8,500+ individuals, including 2,000+ principal investigators leading their own labs. One-third of all Mass General clinicians also conduct research.
Awards and Honors

Mass General researchers are regularly recognized for their contributions to the scientific community.
This year we have been proud to share over 60 of those awards and honors with you on our blog.
Highly Cited Researchers

Every year, Clarivate Analytics compiles a list of highly cited researchers. They are recognized for their exceptional research performance, determined by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year.
This year, we are pleased to announce that 37 Mass General investigators made the list.
Snapshot of Science

Each month we release a Snapshot of Science, a monthly email and web digest of high impact papers in which a Mass General investigator is the first or last author.
In 2018, we highlighted 258 high impact papers with a Mass General researcher as a lead author.
Research Blog Earns Recognition

This past year has been a memorable one for our blog, as we were awarded gold for Best Social Networking by the eHealthcare Leadership Awards.
We have also seen our
MGH Research Scholars

The MGH Research Scholars program was started to provide forward-thinking researchers with the funding they need to take their work into new and uncharted territories.
In 2018, we named 5 new MGH Research Scholars, bringing the total number of investigators supported by the program to 55 since it was launched in 2011.

U.S News and World Report Ranking
As a general hospital, Mass General provides a wide range of care for our patients. Our vast and diverse medical community creates many opportunities to collaborate on research and clinical care.
In 2018, Mass General was once again the named the #4 hospital in the United States by U.S. News and World Reports, and was nationally ranked in 16 specialties by U.S. News & World Report.
Research Proposals

As an academic medical center, the majority of research at Mass General is funded by federal grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other federal institutions.
The total number of grant proposals written by Mass General researchers in 2018 was 4,406 proposals. That averages to more than 12 a day!
Research Activity

Mass General’s research activity continued to increase in 2018.
This year, we were once again the #1 independent research hospital in NIH funding, and the 8th largest institution overall, including large university systems.
Discoveries and Inventions

Research at Mass General often leads to novel discoveries and various inventions.
In 2018, there were 145 US and 316 foreign patents issued to Mass General investigators, for a total of 461 patents.
About the Mass General Research Institute
Research at Massachusetts General Hospital is interwoven through more than 30 different departments, centers and institutes. Our research includes fundamental, lab-based science; clinical trials to test new drugs, devices and diagnostic tools; and community and population-based research to improve health outcomes across populations and eliminate disparities in care.
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