Every year, Nursing Research Day – hosted by the Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research at Massachusetts General Hospital -provides an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the inspiring and impactful research being conducted by Mass General nurses.
This year, in addition to the Yvonne L. Munn Nursing Research Lecture and Awards ceremony, 45 posters comprised of Evidence Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Original Research projects were on display during the Research Day Poster Session.
We caught up with some of the winners and asked them to describe their research:
Quality Improvement:

Use of Simulation to Increase Oncology Nurses’ Knowledge and Confidence in Caring for Central Lines in Immunocompromised Patients
Susan O’Donnell, MSN, RN, OCN, BMTCN, Ellen Fitzgerald, RN, MSN, Katerina Kafkas, RN, BSN, BMTCN, Katherine Lemire, RN, BSN, Sally Geary Alexander, RN, MS, CCNS-BC, Dolores D. Suslak, MSN, CIC, Erin E. Ryan, MPH, CCRP
The objective was to increase oncology nurses’ knowledge of, and confidence in, providing central line care using simulation training to decrease the rate of a serious infection known as CLABSI. A low fidelity simulation mannequin was used to review evidence based central line care through hands-on approach.
Pre- and post- assessments and chart audits were completed; positive changes in practice were found. CLABSI data from 2017 were compared to the same period in 2015 and 2016.
Although not statistically significant, the differences in monthly mean CLABSIs pre- and post-intervention showed promise; no infections for several months. Ongoing annual training reinforcing best practices should be considered.
Evidence-Based Practice:

Are Heparin Flushes the Most Effective Intervention for Reducing the Incidence of Central Line Thrombosis in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit?Colleen McGauley, RN, BSN, Dawn McLaughlin, RN, BSN, Nicole Tavares, RN, BSN, Ashley Chandler, RN, BSN, Jen Samiotes, RN, MSN, Liz Croll, RN, BSN, Barbara Gallagher, RN, BSN Arlene Kelleher, RN, MS, Kim Whalen, RN, MS, Virginia Capasso, PhD, ANP-BC, ACNS-BC, CWS
In critically ill children, central venous catheter (CVC) thrombosis is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, prolonged hospital stays, and increased hospital costs. It is essential to evaluate the interventions for pediatric patients that will reduce the incidence of central line thrombosis in order to improve patient outcomes. The purpose of our study was to determine best practice of CVC maintenance to prevent clots in the pediatric population in the pediatric intensive care unit. We conducted a literature review and found that there is limited evidence to inform prevention of thrombosis in peripherally-inserted CVC in pediatric critical care patients, thereby preventing translation of findings into practice. Original research is needed before recommending a nursing practice change.
Emerging Researcher:

The Experience of Young Women Living with Advanced Breast Cancer: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study
Debra M. Lundquist PhD(c), MSN, RN, Donna L. Berry, PhD, RN, AOCN®, FAAN
My research and scholarship has been focused on the experience of people living with advanced cancer. For my dissertation, I chose to focus on a specific population: women between the ages of 25-39 living with advanced breast cancer.
The purpose of the study was to better understanding the meaning of day-to-day living for them. Very little data specifically addressed this population.
The literature suggests that due to their stage of life, their needs differ from those at other life stages as well as with earlier stages of breast cancer. These women have described themselves as being invisible and live with the knowledge that their future is uncertain.
This qualitative study was an important initial step in expanding our understanding of what daily life is like for them.
Findings highlight that these young women are managing multiple roles and responsibilities despite the ongoing challenges of treatment and symptom management.
Other poster award winners from the day were:
Advanced/Mid-Career Nurse Researcher:
Reduction in a High-Risk Sex Script among Young Urban Women in the Love, Sex, & Choices Web Video HIV Prevention Intervention Study
Rachel Jones, PhD, RN, FAAN, Donald R. Hoover, PhD
Original Research:
Education about Alcohol Use Disorders and Compassion Fatigue for Emergency Department Nurses
Dawn Williamson, RN, DNP, PMHCNS-BC, CARN-AP
2018 Yvonne L. Munn Nursing Research Award Recipients

“Empowering the Patient Voice: Analysis of Patient Satisfaction Data to Inform Future Development of a Bionic Pancreas”
Principal Investigator: Courtney Balliro, BS, RN, CDE
Team: Mallory A. Hillard, BS, RN; Mary E. Larkin, MS, RN, CDE
Unit: Diabetes Research Center
Mentor: Diane Carroll, PhD, ACNS-BC, FAAN, Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research
The purpose of this secondary analysis is to describe and quantify the patient experience including treatment satisfaction, patient burden, and confidence in Type 1 diabetes management using two configurations of the Bionic Pancreas versus standard of care
“A Comparative Study of Oral Endotracheal Tube Securing Methods and the Impact on Skin and Mucosal Membrane Integrity“Principal Investigator: Stephanie Qualls, BSN, RN
Team: Laura Jones, BSN, RN; MaiAnh Tran-Allen, BSN, RN; Tara Tehan, MSN, MBA, RN; Mary Guanci, MSN, RN, CNRN
Unit: Lunder 6 Neuroscience ICU
Mentor: Colleen Snydeman, PhD, RN, NE-BC, Nursing & PCS Office of Quality and Safety
This quasi-experimental study will compare tape versus commercial tube holder securement of the endo tracheal tube and the impact on skin and mucosal membrane integrity. The results will be used to influence practice and develop a standard of care to secure ETTs at Mass General.

“Exploring the Experiences and Perspectives of Bone Marrow Transplant Nurses in Relation to Integrating Humor in Their Practice”
Principal Investigator: Christina Burke, BSN, RN, OCN
Unit: Lunder 10 Hematology Oncology
Mentor: Anne-Marie Barron, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, Simmons College/Mass General
The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study is to explore the nurses’ experiences with humor in the care of BMT patients.
2018 Jeanette Ives Erickson Nursing Research Award Recipient

“Evaluation of the EdemaWear to Reduce the Lower Extremity Edema in Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency: A Pilot Study”
2018 Recipient: Virginia Capasso, PhD, ANP-BC, ACNS-BC, CWS
Clinical Nurse Specialist and Nurse Scientist, The Institute of Patient Care
This aims of this feasibility study are: 1) evaluate the effect of EdemaWear tubular compression garment on reduction of lower extremity (LE) edema in patients with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) who are at high risk of consequent venous leg ulcers (VLU), 2) describe the patient experience of donning, continuously wearing and doffing the garment, and 3) describe the experience of nursing and PT staff with the product.
About the Mass General Research Institute
Research at Massachusetts General Hospital is interwoven through more than 30 different departments, centers and institutes. Our research includes fundamental, lab-based science; clinical trials to test new drugs, devices and diagnostic tools; and community and population-based research to improve health outcomes across populations and eliminate disparities in care.
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